Mentoring Kick-Off Event 2022
Almost everyone talks about mentoring and its positive impact on career development. But what is behind it? What are my benefits? And how can I build my own mentor-mentee relationship? These questions will be addressed at the FSN Mentoring Kick-Off Event.
Join our half-day workshop led by Dr. Eva Reichmann to get a feeling for mentoring, to clarify your questions and to start your individual career path in subsequent one-to-one coaching sessions. Meet like-minded people and actively shape your career with mentoring.
Mentoring Kick-Off Event Content:
MENTORING INTRODUCTION: What is mentoring - and what is not? What are my responsibilities as a mentee - and how can I benefit from the mentorship?
POTS AND LIDS: What kind of mentor could support me in my career plans? How can I find a mentor myself?
EXPECTATIONS AND REALITY: What can a mentor afford – and what not?
CLARIFICATION OF GOALS: What do I want to achieve specifically through mentorship?
DURING MENTORSHIP: What challenges might I encounter during mentoring - and how can I overcome them?
HOW MENTORING WORKS: Methods and Techniques to ensure effective mentoring:
- Accompany the mentoring process with your own progress journal.
- Preparation of regular meetings with the mentor are essential
- Discussion techniques for efficient meetings
- Conflict/problem management
GROUP FORMATION: Get to know the other mentees - so that you can network with each other after the workshop.
FSN MENTORS: Perhaps the FSN Network already has a perfect mentor for you.
PEER MENTORING GROUPS: The alternative to classical one-to-one mentoring. The mentoring takes place in a group of people with a similar career level and professional background.
Individual Coaching Sessions
STATUS ANALYSIS: Where am I right now - and where do I want to go? → How can mentoring help me?
POTENTIAL ANALYSIS: What are my strengths and weaknesses - where do I want to develop further? → How can I benefit from mentoring to achieve my goals?
EXPECTATIONS: What should happen during the mentoring so that it is successful for me? → What criteria can I use to measure success?
Mentoring Kick-Off Event | 15 November 2022 | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. I ONLINE
Register via contact.fsn@ovgu.de (only 15 places available)